Foreword by Kapila Vatsyayan
List of Abbreviations
From the Author
I. Stotras - Hymns to the Absolute
1. Auspicious Beginnings or Philosophy in a Nutshell
An Introduction to Kashmir Śaivism through its Maṅgalaślokas
2. Sūrya in a Śaiva Perspective: The Sāmbapañcāśikā, a Mystical Hymn
of Kashmir and its Commentary by Kṣemarāja
3. Stuti: Praise in a Non-dualist Context
4. Selected Stotras of Abhinavagupta
II. Non-dual Tradition of Śaivism of Kashmir
5. Vāc as Saṃvāda: Dialogue in the Context of Advaita Śaivāgamas
6. The Play of the Three Worlds: The Trika Concept of Līlā
7. Sun, Consciousness and Time: The Way of Time and the Timeless
8. Universal Harmony: Samatā
9. Disharmony: The Root of Evil
10. Mudrā: Its Metaphysical Basis
11. The Space of Breath in the Kashmiri Śaivāgamas
12. Creative Contemplation: Bhāvanā in the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra
13. Attaining the Form of the Void: Śūnya in the Vijñāna Bhairava
14. Paramādvaita in the Mystical Hymns of Utpaladeva’s Śivastotrāvalī
15. Intensity of Emotions: A Way to Liberation in the Advaita Śaiva
Āgamas and their Exegetes
16. Sarvaṃ Sarvātmakam: Abhinavagupta’s Interpretation of the
17. Swami Lakshman Joo: Saint Scholar of Kashmir
Bibliography of the Works of Bettina Sharada Bäumer
Index cum Glossary